
Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac (DACH)

Item number SSBDAMDA0103
Product: digital goods (code)
Region: DE, AT, CH, DK, SE, NO, FI, IS
Language: all languages supported by vendor
System: Mac
Devices:: 1 /3 Mac(s)

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Absolute Protection for macOS devices. Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac comes with the most advanced cybersecurity technologies in the world which gives you freedom to enjoy your Mac to the max. Bitdefender consistently scores best protection in malware detection tests run by independent labs. Bitdefender security software offers optimized speed and the best cross-platform performance. Bitdefender complete protection takes care of your online privacy and personal information. It’s About Time! If you use Time Machine to back up your files, you’ll want Time Machine Protection to make sure you are safe from sophisticated ransomware attacks. Ransomware, an extremely dangerous type of malware, acts by encrypting precious files like pictures, videos and other documents, thus rendering them unusable. With Time Machine, you can restore your files without having to pay ransom. Time Machine Protection makes sure you can rely on your backups by preventing access or tampering from unauthorized sources. Safe Files is a layer of prevention against ransomware that tries to encrypt sensitive information on your computer. It acts like a vault where you can safely store your most valuable files. Once saved here, Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac will make sure nobody can write or modify these files except for official sources. At the same time, you will be able to add or remove trusted applications, thus keeping all important information out of the attackers’ range. In addition to Time Machine Protection, Safe Files brings yet another level of security against ransomware. We strongly advise you to use both these features at the same time in order to keep files unharmed and to be able to retrieve them at any time in their original form. Every Bitdefender product is designed to update automatically, and protect you against the most advanced cyber threats on the planet. Upgrades to the latest version are included as part of your subscription. This way, you’ll never miss out on new and improved features, even if you’re halfway through your subscription period. One account to protect what matters. Activate Bitdefender protection on your devices. Manage from your browser and iOS or Android phone. Scan your network from Bitdefender Central mobile app. Get security updates 24/7. Get direct access to our support team.
OS X Yosemite (10.10+) or better 1 GB free space Bitdefender VPN only on Intel-based Macintosh computers with macOS Sierra(10.12 or later)
Bitdefender S.R.L.
Orhideea Towers Building 15A Orhideelor Avenue, 6
060071 Bucharest Romania