
avast Internet Security 3 devices 1 year

Item number SSASISGL0301
Product: digital goods (code)
Region: Global
Language: all languages supported by vendor
System: 32/64 bit Windows
Devices:: 3 devices
Duration: 1 year

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Avast Internet Security protects you and your device against Internet threats and provides multiple layers of protection to keep you safe and your devices running smoothly. Each of the following advanced features are included in the Internet Security software. No 0815 Antivirus Software: Over 400 million users help our machine-learning algorithms create the largest threat detection network with behavioral analysis that blocks even unknown elements. Your expectations are more than fulfilled: Everything you can expect from Internet Security - and much more. Firewall? Contain. Anti-spam? Is self-evident. Fake websites? Logical. New Ransomware Protection: Safeguard your private photos and files from the ever-increasing threat of ransomware by deciding that they can not be encrypted without your permission. Keep hostage takers away from your files. On average, hackers demand $ 643 from their ransomware victims. AVAST Internet Security now secures your private files and photos so they can not be encrypted and taken hostage. Hackers can easily create a skilful replica of your banking site to steal your credentials and passwords. AVAST Internet Security encrypts your data so that the information remains secure.
Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10
Avast Software s.r.o.
Czech Republic