
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 1 month Trial (Xbox Live GOLD + Game Pass)

Item number GSXUEU01M
Product: digital goods (code)
Region: GLOBAL

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Warning! This product is a TRIAL version and works for New Xbox accounts only (that never had a subscription before). These codes are non-stackable.

Note: You must enter a payment methods for activation purpose (eg credit cards or PayPal). It will be not charged and you can disable it after activation.

Important: to activate the code, the region of your Xbox account MUST BE any of the following countries:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA.

Code activation date expires on 26 May 2022

Activate code on Xbox:
1. To activate the code, your account region must be one from the list above. Ensure it here: Options -> System -> Language and location -> set to any region from the list above (if it doesn't already match)
2. Select a payment info required for activation: Credit card or PayPal (will be not charged and you can disable this later)
3. Go to Store -> Subscriptions and click "Redeem code"
4. Enter a 25-character code
5. After redemption, you can set the region back (if you changed it)
6. Optional, turn off recurring payments here: Settings -> Account -> Subscriptions

Activate code on computer:
1. To activate the code, your account region must be one from the list above. Ensure it here:
2. Go to: (the proper region should appear in brackets next to your login)
3. Enter the 25-character code and then press Next
4. Select a payment info required for activation: Credit card or PayPal (will be not charged and you can disable this later)
5. After redemption, you can set the region back (if you changed it)
6. Optional, turn off recurring payments here:

Regions supported by Xbox Live are listed HERE. (

Note: Purchase of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate automatically upgrades your existing Xbox Live Gold or Xbox Game Pass membership to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate at a conversion ratio each based on days remaining. Learn how this works at Future code redemptions are also subject to a conversion ratio. Conversion ratio subject to change. All conversions to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate are final: Once converted, you cannot re-convert your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate membership back to a previous membership. Maximum 36 months of redeemed Xbox Game Pass Ultimate per account at a time, including any converted time from Xbox Live Gold and/or Xbox Game Pass (for PC or console).
