
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 14 days (Xbox Live GOLD + Game Pass)

Item number GSXUEU14D
Product: digital goods (code)
Region: GLOBAL

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

This code activates your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate status for 14 days (*) and Game Pass for 14 days. With the Xbox Live Gold Membership, gamers can enjoy the full functionality of the popular Xbox Online Service. Any Xbox One console can be connected to the service. Play with or against your friends wherever they are. You can send text, voice and video messages via this service. Download and test the latest demos of game novelties. You also have exclusive access to the Xbox Live Marketplace. Get Xbox Live Gold and enter the online multiplayer gaming arena. Two million gamers are waiting for you online - chat, play, plan and compete with each other. With your subscription, you will receive your own player card, gamer, motto and more. Visit the Xbox Live Marketplace and download new game content, trailers, demos, player images, and more!


  • Trial codes work only with a new Xbox account and cannot be used to extend existing GOLD memberships.
  • Code works only on Xbox One console.
  • Code must be redeemed via the website (trying via console will cause an "invalid code" error).
  • Some features of Xbox Live Gold may not be available with a trial membership.
  • Competitive game modes like ranked matches will not be available for the majority of games (e.g., World of Tanks Console).
  • Your account must be on Silver membership before redeeming.
  • If you have an outstanding balance on your account (or have a "suspended" status), please pay the outstanding balance first.
  • The code will not turn your account into GOLD, but you will get access to most GOLD features.
  • Codes do not stack.
  • Games for Gold, other game discounts, and access to your cloud storage are not available.
  • Redeemable globally (except in Brazil).
  • If you are from Israel, South Africa, Hungary, or the Czech Republic, you may need to change your region to the United Kingdom, USA, or Canada to use any trial code.
  • An internet connection is required.