
Bitdefender Premium VPN 10 devices 1 year (DACH)

Item number SSBDVPNDA1001
Product: digital goods (code)
Region: DE, AT, CH, DK, SE, NO, FI, IS
Language: all languages supported by vendor
System: 32/64 bit Windows, Mac, Android, iOS
Devices:: 10 devices
Duration: 1 year

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Ultra-fast VPN that keeps your online identity and activities safe from hackers, ISPs and snoops Private browsing is not enough to stay anonymous these days. Your real IP vanishes with Bitdefender Premium VPN so your online activity cannot be linked to you. We believe in protecting your right to privacy, so we keep no traffic logs. Public networks like airports, lounges, hotels, restaurants and shopping malls are easy targets for those trying to capture and exploit your traffic. Connect your virtual private network to any of our servers to secure your traffic with military-grade encryption, making it impossible for anyone to access it. Governments, universities and even some ISPs from all over the world practice online censorship by blocking access to apps and websites. If this is already part of your daily life, break free from your regional restrictions and explore the true Internet with Bitdefender Premium VPN service.
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 (SP1) Android 4.0.3+ iOS 10+ macOS X Yosemite (10.10+) Languages: English, German, Spanish, Dutch, French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Czech, Greek, Korean, Romanian, Thai, Vietnamese, Swedish Availability: Premium VPN is not available or only restricted available in the following countries: Egypt, China, Iraq, Iran, UAE, Turkey, Turkmenistan, North Korea, Oman, Russia, Syria, Belarus. Streaming: - Amazon Prime is currently not (officially) supported. - Netflix is only supported for the USA and only if connected to an USA server.
Bitdefender S.R.L.
Orhideea Towers Building 15A Orhideelor Avenue, 6
060071 Bucharest Romania