
PSN Plus (AT) Subscription 12 Months (365 days)

Item number GSPSAT012
Product: digital goods (code)
Region: (AT) Austria

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PlayStation Plus members are the world's largest community for next-generation gamers. This unique community provides players with new opportunities to compete with others, share and meet challenges. The countless advantages of the PS membership, pay off after a few months and promise many new unforgettable gaming experiences. Now take your place in the global community and enjoy the exclusive benefits of exclusive PlayStation Plus members. Get exclusive discounts and great promotions through the PS4 Plus Membership. Become a beta tester or try exclusive demo versions before the official start. In addition, with your PS4 Plus membership you will receive exclusive discounts on selected products. The whole of course very comfortable from home, through a special link. You do not have to go to the local retailer or to a dedicated online store to take advantage of the discounts on the games and game enhancements. Easily use your PlayStation Plus membership and the PlayStation Store. Vote for your favorite game and choose which songs to add to your PS4 Plus membership. Become a PS4 online multiplayer. With PS4 Online Multiplayer, you can compete against or against the world with or without your friends and team up with other teams, clubs and clans to experience new adventures every day. Team up with gamers from around the world to experience epic team battles, multiplayer matches or co-op adventures. Leave the controls to others with Share Play! You can join your friends around the world in co-op adventures and even give them control of a single-player game. You do not even have to own the game and still play multiplayer battles with you. With PlayStation Plus membership, the latest scores are always available. Thanks to the 10 GB cloud storage, you can save and restore scores online anytime, anywhere. Even if you play on a PS4 or PS3 system of a friend, you have the opportunity to continue playing exactly where you left off. Be up to date. On your PS4 Home screen you will learn all about your PS4 Plus membership and see what games await you and you can download for free. Exclusive discounts for the PlayStation Store, new multiplayer events and more PlayStation 4 Plus members features are waiting for you.
IMPORTANT: - The credit code can only be used with a valid Austrian PlayStation Network account. The coupon code must be for the same country as the Sony Entertainment Network account (SEN). - PlayStation Network Terms of Service must be accepted. - An internet connection is required.